When you have a blog attached to your e commerce store or website, you’re going to be able to gain some market positioning power.
Every business owner out there needs to understand that positioning is one key to client trust and market dominance.
You should have a marketing plan in place to actively create and carve out your own position in the marketplace you are in.
With a business blog you are fully in charge.
By regularly adding new material, you’ll be in complete control of how your clients and customers see you as a business.
This gives you the ability to really focus in on your unique point of difference and build a trusted relationship.
If this is fully understood and executed, you will be able to craft the kinds of messages that support your business and help your clients at the same time.
Everyone’s a winner!
With a blog attached to your business you’re suddenly able to add that human touch to an otherwise faceless online or e-commerce website.
People deal with people. A large majority of potential clients and customers are going to be at least a little bit nervous about giving a complete and total stranger (or company) payment information.
With a blog, you’re able to gain trust and show that there is in fact a real person to connect with behind your billboard.
Your customers may even be sharing your successes and stories on Facebook or Google+.
Business success today is all about creating multiple price entry points to your business' products or services.
If your cleaver about it, blog posts have the ability to act like business reps for you, by showing many different usages and prices that would otherwise be harder for your clients to find out about.
Expert status is something that is well worth building through all your online activities.
Without it you're unlikely to be able to influence the people that come your way, help them understand why they should become your paying customer.
It's possible to create that kind of influential persona through your company blog.
Its all about helping people at the end of the day! 😉
Creating blog posts strategically, can help direct customers and clients into make educated choices about how your product or service can help them.
Once you have created trust like this, purchasing your products or services will be a byproduct of their interest.
Your question should always be: How can I best serve my clients in peripheral ways.
Through this process you’ll be able to create new interest, leads and business without any extra marketing or advertising budgets.
There is nothing more important than communicating directly to your clients and customers.
Running a blog is one really great way to do this!
There is a lot of information on the internet so today this is just a reminder:
Creating blog posts that cover the sorts of topics your clients are searching for through Google and many other search engines is the key to getting big results through organic searches.
You first need to understand which words your clients and customers are using when looking for your products online.
You may be surprised to find out what they are, so don’t assume anything when it comes to search words and phrasing.
Using key word tools in Google An alytics, can help out a great deal and will remove a lot of the guesswork and stress from this process.
Remember the most obvious words are not always the easiest route to success through SEO and keyword phrasing.
If you listen to the internet gurus of today they tell of a time in the not too distant future when organic searches will be a thing of the past.
But that time is not here yet, so get out there and start blogging to make the most of todays tools!